Community Meeting Room
1st Floor, 5797 Cowrie St., Sechelt
and Via Zoom Online Meeting Platform
  • Mayor J. Henderson, 
  • Councillor D. Inkster, 
  • Councillor D. McLauchlan, 
  • Councillor B. Rowe, 
  • and Councillor A. Toth 
  • Councillor D. Bell 
  • and Councillor A. Shepherd 
  • Chief Administrative Officer A. Yeates, 
  • Director of Engineering and Operations K. Dhillon, 
  • Director of Corporate and Community Services L. Roberts, 
  • Acting Director of Planning and Development and Development Planning Manager I. Holl, 
  • Acting Director of Financial Services and Information Technology B. Smith, 
  • Senior Development Planner T. Baker, 
  • Engineering Technologist S. Fjetland, 
  • Deputy Corporate Officer T. Forster, 
  • and Administrative Assistant C. Kidd (Recording Secretary) 



The Chair noted the land acknowledgement.

The Mayor called the Regular Council Meeting to order at 7:00 pm and asked for declarations of conflict. There were none.


  • Res. No. 2024-8A-01

    That the recommendation for Agenda Item 10.1 be amended to reflect the total grant amounts recommended by the Sunshine Coast Community Forest Legacy Fund Grant Committee as follows:

    Gibsons Seniors Society - Hall Expansion


    Gibsons Curling Club (GCC) Upgrades


    Halfmoon Bay Community Association - Coopers Green Hall Kitchen Renovation


    Pender Harbour Music Society - Performance Space Enhancement


    Pender Harbour Reading Centre Society - Community Library Upgrade


    St. Bart's Food Bank Expansion


    Sunshine Coast Affordable Housing Society - Shaw Road Affordable Housing and Community Amenities


    West Sechelt Community Association (WSCA) - Sechelt Community Bulletin Boards




    ; and

    That the August 7, 2024 Regular Council Agenda be adopted, as amended.






  • Res. No. 2024-8A-02

    That Mayor Henderson be appointed as voting delegate at the Municipal Insurance Association of BC’s Annual General Meeting on September 17, 2024; and 

    That Councillor Inkster and Councillor Rowe be appointed as alternates.


Staff noted the only change to the agreement is an increase from a three-year term to a five-year term, which is mutually agreed upon by District staff and Sunshine Coast Museum and Archives.

  • Res. No. 2024-8A-03

    That a five-year service agreement with the Sunshine Coast Museum and Archives for the operation of the Sechelt Community Archives be approved; and

    That the Director of Corporate and Community Services and Corporate Officer be authorized to sign the agreement.


Staff presented an overview of the Wakefield Culvert Replacement Project and requested an additional $300,000 to cover increased costs and restore a 25% contingency.

The following was noted by staff:

  • The project received five bids; NB Contracting submitted the lowest.
  • Work includes replacing a steel culvert with a cement one and adding headwalls.
  • Cement culverts are expected to last 50 years; whereas steel culverts last 30 years.
  • The archaeological risk is low, so it is possible the $200,000 contingency funding may not be needed and would be returned to the reserve fund.
  • Work is expected to start late August 2024 and finish late fall or early winter 2024.
  • GST is initially paid by the District but is later reclaimed.

Council recognized this is Director of Engineering Kirn Dhillon's final report to Council before transitioning to the Bowen Island Municipality as their new Chief Administrative Officer. Council expressed their best wishes for his success in the new role.

  • Res. No. 2024-8A-04

    That additional funding for the Wakefield Road Culvert Replacement project in the amount of $300,000 be approved for a total project cost of $1,182,238.00 with funding to come from the Growing Communities Fund; and

    That the Wakefield Road Culvert Replacement contract be awarded to NB Contracting LTD. in the amount of $864,366.88 + GST; and that the Director of Engineering and Operations and the Corporate Officer be authorized to sign the contract.




Council received a request for an Official Community Plan Amendment, and a Zoning Amendment to allow for the construction of a new Francophone Educational Facility.

During discussion it was noted: 

  • The proposed Francophone facility would offer primary and secondary education, along with a child care centre.
  • Statistics Canada projects around 200 Francophone students within ten years.
  • In depth traffic and geotechnical studies are expected as the project progresses.
  • Res. No. 2024-8A-05

    That Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 492-37, 2024 be read a first time this 7th day of August 2024; and

    That Council consider Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 492-37, 2024 in conjunction with the District of Sechelt Financial Plan and Waste Management Plan, pursuant to Section 477 of the Local Government Act; and

    That Council refer Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 492-37, 2024 to relevant organizations for comment as part of early and on-going engagement, pursuant to Section 475 of the Local Government Act and Council Policy 3.3.7 Official Community Plan Consultation; and

    That Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 580-14, 2024 be read a first time this 7th day of August 2024; and

    That prior to consideration of adoption, the applicant shall:

    a.    Enter into a section 219 covenant to be registered on the property title to require a landscape plan and cost estimate from a qualified professional to the satisfaction of the District, be provided prior to the issuance of a Building Permit. 



  • Res. No. 2024-8A-06

    That the Minutes of the July 17, 2024 Regular Council Meeting be adopted.

  • Res. No. 2024-8A-07

    That the Minutes of the July 24, 2024 Regular Council to Closed Meeting be adopted.


    OPPOSED: Mayor Henderson

  • Res. No. 2024-8A-08

    That the Minutes of the July 19, 2024 Special Council to Closed Meeting be adopted.

  • Res. No. 2024-8A-09

    That the Minutes of the July 10, 2024 Regular Council to Closed Meeting be adopted.







Council received verbal updates from the Sunshine Coast Regional District Representatives.

  • Councillor Toth provided an update at 7:55 pm.
  • Councillor Inkster provided an update at 7:57 pm.



Members of Council provided verbal updates of their activities.

  • Councillor McLauchlan provided a report at 7:58 pm.
  • Councillor Rowe provided a report at 7:59 pm.
  • Councillor Toth provided a report at 8:07pm.
  • Mayor Henderson provided a report at 8:09 pm.
  • Councillor Inkster provided a report at 8:11 pm.
  • Res. No. 2024-8A-10

    That up to $1000 be used from the Community Safety Budget to hire a facilitator and source a venue for a public engagement session with members of Council and the RCMP in August 2024.




Council acknowledged the Sunshine Coast Community Forest Legacy Fund Committee's work on the grant program, and the SCCF's ability to provide alternative forms of support such as lumber for community projects. 

  • Res. No. 2024-8A-11

    That the Sunshine Coast Community Forest Legacy Fund Grant Committee recommendations be approved:

    Gibsons Seniors Society - Hall Expansion $15,000
    Gibsons Curling Club - Upgrades $5,000
    Halfmoon Bay Community Association - Coopers Green Hall Kitchen Renovation $15,000

    Pender Harbour Music Society - Performance Space Enhancement

    Pender Harbour Reading Centre Society - Community Library Upgrade $8,000
    St. Bart’s Food Bank - Expansion $15,000
    Sunshine Coast Affordable Housing Society - Shaw Road Affordable Housing and Amenities $25,800
    West Sechelt Community Association (WSCA) - Sechelt Community Bulletin Boards $15,200
    TOTAL  $111,000
  • Res. No. 2024-8A-12

    That Raphael Shay, Manager, Sustainable Development, or another member of the Sunshine Coast Regional District (SCRD) staff be invited to present the SCRD Community Climate Action Plan to Council.






  • Res. No. 2024-8A-13

    That the August 7, 2024 Regular Council Meeting be adjourned at 8:24 pm.