That the Minutes of the January 22, 2025 Special Committee of the Whole Meeting be received and the following recommendation(s) be endorsed:
(2) That a sewer user fee increase of 3.95% be included into the Five-Year Financial Plan;
(3) That a septage fee increase of 6% be included in the Five-Year Financial Plan;
(4) That the Connect the Coast contribution of $75,000 be referred to a regional budget discussion for 2026;
(5) That the $100,000 Consultant Technical Support budget be approved;
(6) That the following operating expenses be approved:
- SQL (Structured Query Language) Server Upgrade - $10,000
- Adobe Upgrade - $15,000
- GIS Enhancements - $15,000
- Airport Storage - $3,500;
(7) That $120,000 for 2025 be budgeted to continue downtown private security patrols in the Five-Year Financial Plan;
(8) That staff prepare a report on the cost and implications of converting an existing Bylaw Officer to a Community Safety Officer position; and
That $7,000 be added to the 2025 budget as a placeholder of the Community Safety Officer position.
(9) That $5,000 be approved to create and deliver a community safety communications strategy in the 2025 Five-Year Financial Plan;
(10) That staff prepare a report on the cost and legal implications of a community safety surveillance camera system as a pilot project;
(11) That a total of $137,000 for community safety be funded for 2025 in the Five-Year Financial Plan, with $100,000 from the Community Safety Reserve, and $37,000 from Taxation for the following uses:
- Downtown private security patrols
- Converting an existing Bylaw Officer to a Community Safety Officer position
- Creating and delivering a community safety communications strategy;
(12) That the RCMP parking lot project #7965 be referred to the 2026 budget process for consideration;
(13) That the Airport Fuel Pump replacement project #4017 be referred to the 2026 budget process for consideration;
(14) That the 2025 Capital Plan as presented on pages 112-113 of the December 18, 2024, Special Committee of the Whole Agenda be approved with the funding sources identified on page 155 of the December 18, 2025, Special Committee of the Whole Agenda, with the exception of:
- The Connect the Coast project
- RCMP parking lot project #7965
- Airport Fuel Pump replacement project #4017; and
(15) That early approvals for capital projects approved in Recommendation No. 14 from this meeting be granted.