Urban Matters' Community Housing Lead, Matt Thompson, a consultant for the District of Sechelt, presented the Housing Needs Report for the District of Sechelt including the following points:
- In 2018 the Provincial Government mandated that all municipalities must complete Housing Needs Reports, including projection of needs over five and twenty years, a report on the relation between housing and transit, as well as a description of recent actions taken by the municipality to address housing needs.
- The study took into account four major factors including current and historic demographics, housing profiles, community growth, and key housing needs.
- That there were some outliers in the statistics used, due to factors such as Covid-19 and the CERB benefit, this increased the average renter income for those years.
- There has been a significant increase in the population of seniors in Sechelt since 2006.
In response to questions from Council, the consultant confirmed:
- A reduction in interest rates may make it easier for some new households to become established, but it would not be enough to create a significant change in the trends.
- Population projections are driven by provincial methodology.
- Housing needs arise from many different factors and will require multiple actions at multiple levels of government to begin to meet the needs.
Council discussed housing needs, economic trends and socioeconomic factors in Sechelt and on the Sunshine Coast.